“When we align ourselves with the centre of our intention, the friction of opposition ceases to stop our momentum.”

-Donna Farhi

Schedule your free discovery session

What To Expect

  1. In your Discovery session, we’ll get to know each other and get aligned on your objectives and expectations. If working together is a good fit, we’ll discuss what your coaching program will look like along with next steps and you’ll be on your way! Yay!

  2. Coaching sessions are 60 or 90 minutes held weekly or bi-weekly through Zoom or in-person in Toronto, ON, Canada.

  3. Coaching is a process and progress takes commitment. I recommend a minimum of 3 months of regular sessions to move forward into results.

  4. For a starting 3 month period you can expect to make an investment between $1,200CAD ($400/month) to $3,000CAD ($1,000/month) depending on session duration and cadence. 60 minute sessions are $200, 90 minute sessions are $250. Prices are subject to sales tax.

  5. Unlimited text and email support are available between scheduled sessions.

  6. Coaching session topic and goal are determined by you and can be related to a new project, life/career transition, recurring thought, emotion, pattern; anything where there is a dissatisfaction and a need for change.
